Allows adding custom content to tasks and common navigation blocks (filters) above task lists.
Input (passed by reference)
$params['hash'] string Task list hash.
$params['order'] string Task sorting field from the list: 'priority', 'due', 'newest', 'oldest'.
$params['list']['filters'] string Task filtering parameters.
$params['list']['tasks'] array Task list. Each list item is an instance of the
$params['order'] string Task sorting field from the list: 'priority', 'due', 'newest', 'oldest'.
$params['list']['filters'] string Task filtering parameters.
$params['list']['tasks'] array Task list. Each list item is an instance of the
class corresponding to each of the tasks in the list.
… your plugin code …
Custom content to be added inside the <header> element at the top of the task list.
HTML code of custom
elements extending the task filter settings. Custom filter settings elements added by a plugin must be able to add their own parameters to the task list URL, whose values must be processed in the tasks_collection_search
hook; e.g., #/tasks/myplugin_create_date>2023-12-25&hash=inbox/.{$backend_tasks.header.preview}
Custom content to be displayed between the task list and the filter settings.
HTML code adding custom task list management tools next to the “Select tasks” checkbox.
Custom content to be displayed at the bottom of the top block containing the task list title and settings.
Custom task sorting options. Each list item must be an array with the following keys:
[]['id'] string Sorting option identifier.
[]['name'] string Localized sorting option name.
[]['id'] string Sorting option identifier.
[]['name'] string Localized sorting option name.
Custom content to be displayed at the top of the task list.
Custom content to be displayed at the bottom of the task list.
Plugin code example
public function backendTasks($params) { // $tasks = $params['tasks']; return [ 'body' => [ 'top' => 'Custom content at the top', 'bottom' => 'Custom content at the bottom', ], 'header' => [ 'top' => 'Custom content at the header top', 'preview' => 'Custom content above the filter settings', 'toolbar' => sprintf( '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="circle button light-gray" title="%s"><i class="fas fa-star"></i></a>', _wp('Execute a custom action') ), 'filters' => tasksMyPluginHelper::getFiltersHTML(), 'order_items' => [ [ 'id' => $this->id . '-custom', 'name' => _wp('Custom sorting'), ] ], ], ]; }