Allows adding custom content to the task-editing form.
Input (passed by reference)
$params['task'] object Instance of the
$params['action'] object Instance of the
class corresponding to the task being edited.$params['action'] object Instance of the
class, which is the PHP action class used to generate the task-editing form.
… your plugin code …
Custom HTML code to be used above the top block.
Custom HTML code to be used at the bottom of the top block inside the
Custom HTML code to be used below the top block.
Custom content to be displayed above the task name editing field.
Custom content to be displayed before the task name editing field.
Custom content to be displayed below the task name editing field.
Custom HTML code to be used above the task description.
Custom HTML code to be used at the bottom of the block with the task description.
Custom HTML code to be used below the task description.
Custom HTML code to be used above the list of attached files.
Custom HTML code to be used at the bottom of the block with attached files.
Custom HTML code to be used below the list of attached files.
Custom HTML code to be used above the task action buttons.
Custom HTML code to be used at the bottom of the block with action buttons.
Custom HTML code to be used below the task action buttons.
Custom content to be displayed above list of extra fields in the task editor.
Custom content to be displayed below list of extra fields in the task editor.
HTML code of extra fields in the task editor.
Plugin code example
public function backendTaskEdit($params) { /** @var tasksTask */ $task = $params['task']; return [ 'before_header' => 'Custom content above the header', 'header' => 'Custom content in the header', 'after_header' => 'Custom content below the header', 'before_buttons' => 'Custom content above action buttons', 'buttons' => 'Custom content in the action buttons block', 'after_buttons' => 'Custom content below action buttons', 'before_description' => 'Custom content above the description', 'description' => 'Custom content in the description block', 'after_description' => 'Custom content below the description', 'before_attachments' => 'Custom content above attachments', 'attachments' => 'Custom content in the attachments block', 'after_attachments' => 'Custom content below attachments', 'before_hidden_block' => 'Custom content above the comments block', 'hidden_block' => 'Custom content in the comments block', 'after_hidden_block' => 'Custom content below the comments block', 'before_name' => 'Custom content above the task name editing field.', 'name' => 'Custom content before the task name editing field.', 'after_name' => 'Custom content above the task name editing field.', 'before_fields' => 'Custom content above the list of extra fields.', 'more' => 'HTML code of custom extra fields.', 'after_fields' => 'Custom content below the list of extra fields.', ]; }