Allows adding custom content to the milestone settings form.
Input (passed by reference)
$params['milestone'] array Milestone properties as an array with the following keys (the array contains empty strings if a new milestone is being added):
$params['list']['id'] int Milestone ID.
$params['list']['name'] string Milestone name.
$params['list']['description'] string Milestone description.
$params['list']['project_id'] int Project ID.
$params['list']['due_date'] date Deadline date.
$params['list']['closed'] bool Flag denoting that the milestone is completed.
$params['list']['id'] int Milestone ID.
$params['list']['name'] string Milestone name.
$params['list']['description'] string Milestone description.
$params['list']['project_id'] int Project ID.
$params['list']['due_date'] date Deadline date.
$params['list']['closed'] bool Flag denoting that the milestone is completed.
… your plugin code …
Custom HTML code to be added at the end of the milestone settings form.
Plugin code example
public function backendMilestoneEdit($params) { if ($params['milestone']['closed']) { return [ 'more' => sprintf_wp( '<div class="field"><div class="name">%s</div><div class="value"><em class="state-caution">%s</em></div></div>', _wp('Note'), _wp('This milestone is closed!') ) ]; } }