Allows adding custom content to the dialog used to save a current task list to one’s personal filters.
Input (passed by reference)
$params['list'] array The properties of the current task list as an array with the following keys:
$params['list']['name'] string Auto-generated task list name.
$params['list']['hash'] string Task list hash value.
$params['list']['params'] string Task list filter parameters.
$params['list']['order'] string Selected sort order from the list: 'priority', 'due', 'newest', 'oldest'.
$params['list']['name'] string Auto-generated task list name.
$params['list']['hash'] string Task list hash value.
$params['list']['params'] string Task list filter parameters.
$params['list']['order'] string Selected sort order from the list: 'priority', 'due', 'newest', 'oldest'.
… your plugin code …
Custom HTML code to be added to the dialog.
Plugin code example
public function backendListEdit($params) { return [ 'more' => sprintf_wp( '<div class="field"><div class="name">%s</div><div class="value"><code>%s</code></div></div>', _wp('Current hash'), $params['list']['hash'] ) ]; }