
Allows to generate additional product collections with custom hashes.


Input (passed by reference)

$params array Parameters.
$params['collection'] shopProductsCollection Instance of the product collection class.
$params['auto_title'] bool Flag requiring to apply a default text title to a product collection.
$params['add'] bool Flag requiring to add more collection generation conditions in case of repeated (recursive) call of shopProductsCollection class methods.
… your plugin code …


true if a collection hash intended for this specific plugin is specified; false otherwise. A hash must consist of the plugin identifier followed by a slash (/) character and extra parameters. Or only the identifier, without the slash and parameters if they are not required. Both these parts, the identifier and parameters, are returned as an array by method getHash() of the shopProductsCollection class instance, which is accessible by the collection key in the event handler’s input parameter.

Plugin code example


public function productsCollection($params)
    /** @var shopProductsCollection */
    $collection = $params['collection'];
    $hash = $collection->getHash();

    // Accept only simple hash in this example; e.g., ?action=products#/products/hash=myplugin
    if (is_array($hash) && count($hash) == 1 && $hash[0] == $this->id) {
        //add your WHERE condition
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

    // Accept only complex hashes in this example; e.g., ?action=products#/products/hash=myplugin/foo
    if (count($hash) == 2 && $hash[0] == 'myplugin') {
        switch ($hash[1]) {
            case 'foo':
                $collection->addWhere('...'); //add a WHERE condition
                return true;
            case 'bar':
                $collection->addWhere('...'); //add another WHERE condition
                return true;
                return false;