Adds custom conditions for stock selection rules setup interface. A plugin must return an array of sub-arrays with the following keys: 'id' (string) — rule ID to be saved in 'rule_type' field of 'shop_stock_rules' table in “[plugin ID]_[rule ID]” format; 'name' (string) — localized condition name; 'init_html' (string) — HTML code to be added to a page as a hidden block, it can be useful to embed custom JavaScript. See also the description of 'frontend_checkout_stock_rules' hook on how stock selection rules are applied in the frontend.
Input (passed by reference)
$params array Parameters.
$params['rules'] array Rules from 'shop_stock_rules' table.
$params['stocks'] array Stocks returned by shopHelper::getStocks() method.
$params['rules'] array Rules from 'shop_stock_rules' table.
$params['stocks'] array Stocks returned by shopHelper::getStocks() method.
… your plugin code …
Plugin code example
/** * As an example, let us define limits for quantities of ordered items * each automatically selecting one of available stocks */ public function backendSettingsStocks($params) { $title = _wp('By ordered product quantity'); $select = waHtmlControl::getControl(waHtmlControl::SELECT, 'rules[%ID%][rule_data]', [ 'options' => [ 10 => _wp('10+ items'), 5 => _wp('6–10 items'), 1 => _wp('1–5 items'), ], 'title' => $title, 'control_wrapper' => '<div class="wide">%s%s</div>' ]); $html = <<<HTML <script id="{$this->id}_condition_template"> {$select} </script> <script> (function() { const template_form = $('#{$this->id}_condition_template').html(); const table_tbody = $('#s-settings-stock-rules-form table tbody').first(); table_tbody.on('rules:condition_init.{$this->id}', '.stock-rule-condition', function(event) { const condition_wrapper = $(this); const template = template_form.replace(/%ID%/g, event.rule_id); condition_wrapper.find('input[name$="[rule_data]"]').replaceWith($.parseHTML(template)); condition_wrapper.find('select[name$="[rule_data]"]').val(event.rule_data); }); })(); </script> HTML; return [ 'id' => $this->id, 'name' => $title, 'init_html' => $html, 'custom_html' => '<script>/* E.g., some additional JavaScript snippet */</script>' ]; }