Adds custom content to product viewing screen in the old interface (1.3).
Input (passed by reference)
$product shopProduct Instance of product entity class.
… your plugin code …
Custom content displayed to the right of product name at page top.
Custom content displayed to the right of the “Edit” button at page top.
Custom content displayed under "Delete product" link at the bottom of the right-hand sidebar.
Custom content displayed under the list of product’s storefront links.
Custom element for the main menu of product-editing screen.
Custom content displayed under the list of product categories in product-editing mode.
Plugin code example
public function backendProduct(&$product) { return [ 'title_suffix' => shopMyPluginHelper::getProductCustomData($params['data']['id']), 'action_button' => '<a href="" class="button blue" >' . _wp('Product action button') . '</a>', 'toolbar_section' => '<ul class="menu-v">' . '<li><a href="">' . _wp('link 1') . '</a></li>' . '<li><a href="">' . _wp('link 2') . '</a></li>' . '<li><a href="">' . _wp('link 3') . '</a></li>' . '</ul>', 'edit_section_li' => '<li><a href="">' . _wp('My extra edit link') . '</a></li>', 'category_action_li' => waHtmlControl::getControl(waHtmlControl::INPUT, 'myplugin_field', [ 'value' => isset($params['data']['myplugin_field']) ? isset($params['data']['myplugin_field']) : null, 'title' => _wp('My custom field'), 'description' => _wp('Useful hint for users.'), 'title_wrapper' => '%s', 'control_wrapper' => '<hr><h5>%s</h5>%s%s<hr>', 'description_wrapper' => '<br><span class="hint">%s</span>', ]), ]; }