Allows adding custom content to individual tabs of the product editor in the new interface (2.0). Does not affect the sidebar. In JavaScript code, you can register event handlers for elements located within the container with the '.js-page-content' selector, which contains the main content of the product editor except for the sidebar. For example, you may register handlers for the wa_before_save, wa_save, and wa_after_save events.
Input (passed by reference)
$params['product'] shopProduct Product properties object.
$params['content_id'] string Identifier of the current product editor tab.
$params['content_id'] string Identifier of the current product editor tab.
… your plugin code …
Custom content at the top of the product editor page.
Custom content at the bottom of the product editor page. Not used for in some product editor tabs.
Custom content at the top of the product fields form. Not used for in some product editor tabs.
Custom content at the bottom of the form.
Plugin code example
public function backendProdContent($params) { $content_id = $params['content_id']; if ($content_id == 'general' || $content_id == 'sku') { $field_title = _wp('My plugin’s field'); $field_hint = _wp('My plugin’s field hint'); $custom_field_html = <<<HTML <div class="wa-field"> <div class="name"> {$field_title} <span class="wa-tooltip right" data-title="{$field_hint}"> <i class="fas fa-question-circle s-icon gray"></i> </span> </div> <div class="value"> <input type="text" name="myplugin[some_field]" value=""> </div> </div> HTML; return [ // 'top' => '', // 'bottom' => '', // 'form_top' => '', 'form_bottom' => $custom_field_html, ]; } }