Triggered on saving an accrual or a payout of bonus points within a customer profile. Allows linking the data to another customer and to modify the accrual or payout amount or the comment text.
Input (passed by reference)
$params['contact_id'] int Customer contact ID.
$params['amount'] float Accrual or payout amount. In case of a payout the amount value is a negative number.
$params['comment'] string Comment text.
$params['amount'] float Accrual or payout amount. In case of a payout the amount value is a negative number.
$params['comment'] string Comment text.
… your plugin code …
Plugin code example
public function backendAffiliateBonusEdit(&$params) { $customer_contact_id = &$params['contact_id']; $bonus_amount = &$params['amount']; $comment = &$params['comment']; // Do anything with these values to read or modify them // before they are saved to the database. }