From GitHub repo


The source code of the Webasyst framework is accessible via git and SVN repositories.

  1. Retrieve the source code of the framework from a repository to a web directory (%PATH%) on your server; e.g., public_html/webasyst/.


    cd %PATH%
      git clone git://


    cd %PATH%
      svn checkout
  2. Open the installation directory (%PATH%) for writing:
    cd ..
      chmod 0775 %PATH%
      # or 0777 depending on your server settings
  3. Create a new MySQL database for the framework.
  4. Open the URL of the framework installation directory in a browser; e.g., http://localhost/webasyst/. This will start a web-based installation wizard.
  5. Complete all steps of the installation wizard.
    • On the database setup step, enter the credentials of the MySQL database created for Webasyst.
    • On the first user setup step, enter any user name, password, and email address for your main Webasyst user (administrator).
    • Sign into the user backend to complete the installation.

How to update Webasyst framework

  1. Update the framework’s source code from a repository.
  2. Sign into the user backend to get all required meta updates applied automatically.

Manual app installation

Apps can be installed only after the installation of the framework.

  1. Download the desired application's installation package.
  2. Extract the contents of the installation package (archive) to framework’s wa-apps/ directory. This should add new subdirectory containing the file structure of the application being installed. The name of the new subdirectory is the app’s unique identifier (app_id).
  3. Enable the app in configuration file wa-config/apps.php by adding the following line:

    '{app_id}' => true,

    Replace {app_id} with the app’s ID matching the name of a subdirectory containing the app’s source files.

Apps installation and updating via Installer

If the framework has been from a git or SVN repository then, by default, apps can be installed or updated only from a repository or manually only. To remove this limitation, and install and update apps via the built-in Installer, add this entry to configuration file wa-config/config.php

'installer_in_developer_mode' => true,