Webasyst scripts can be installed on a remote web-hosting server supporting PHP and MySQL, or on a local web server.
If you have not yet downladed Webasyst scripts, then you may download the basic installation package here.
Choose one of the installation instructions which is appropriate for your case:
- On a remote server (web hosting)
- On your own computer (Windows)
- On your own computer (Mac OS X)
From the GitHub repository (for developers only)
Fork from Webasyst GitHub repo, install new apps and update via Git or SVN.
Please note that the Installer app will not work in this case. Updates will be available via GitHub only. You will not be able to install updates or new apps via Installer.
System requirements
Web server
Apache + mod_php, nginx, Lighttpd, or any other web server + FastCGI
IIS is supported, but not recommended.PHP
Version 7.4.24 or later.
Required PHP extensions
- mbstring
- curl
- gd or imagemagick
- zlib
Optional PHP extensions
- gettext
- OpenSSL (for full HTTPS protocol support)
Version 4.1 or later.