To facilitate most frequent operations with image files (resizing, cropping, rotation, etc.), the framework offers waImage
class. This
class utilizes functions provided by a standard image processing extension (library) for PHP: GD or Imagick.
The currently used extension is determined at the class instance generation stage. By default the GD library is used. Note: Animated
GIF images can be processed inly by means of the Imagick extension.
Examples of creation of a waImage
class instance from an image file:
// GD $img = waImage::factory("/tmp/1.jpg"); $img = waImage::factory("/tmp/1.jpg", waImage::Gd);
//Imagick $img = waImage::factory("/tmp/1.jpg", waImage::Imagick);
Image resizing
// resizing to 100 pixels by the larger dimension, i.e. to inscribing in a rectangle $img->resize(100, 100); // resizing to 100*100 pixels without preserving original proportions $img->resize(100, 100, waImage::NONE); // inscribe in a rectangle $img->resize(100, 200, waImage::AUTO); // resizing to 100 pixels by the smaller dimension, i.e. to completely fill a rectangle $img->resize(100, 100, waImage::INVERSE); // resizing to 100 pixels by the smaller dimension $img->resize(100, 100, waImage::WIDTH); // equal to the previous example $img->resize(100, false);
Image cropping
// crop a 100*100 pixels large square in the middle of an image $img->crop(100,100); // crop a square from the top-left image corner $img->crop(100,100, 0, 0); // crop a square in the left middle $img->crop(100,100, 0 , waImage::CENTER); // crop a square from the bottom-right image corner $img->crop(100,100, waImage::BOTTOM , waImage::BOTTOM);
$img->rotate(270); // (-360;360)
Image sharpness
// this method accepts a value from 1 up to 100 as an argument, // which denotes the target image quality as percentage of the original image quality $img->sharpen($amount);
Saving a modified image to a file
Example of creating a 100*100 pixels large image thumbnail cropped from the center of the original image:
waImage::factory("/tmp/1.jpg")->resize(100, 100, waImage::INVERSE) ->crop(100,100) // calling the method without arguments: cropping from the center ->save('/tmp/2.jpg');