Scheduled actions


Webasyst supports creation of special scripts that can be executed by a job scheduler such as cron. This opportunity is available for apps and plugins.

In the scripts executed by a job scheduler, all the app or plugin classes can be used just like in an ordinary controller.

Creation of a script

For each action which must be executed by a scheduler create a separate file:

  • For apps


  • For plugins


Here action_name is an arbitrary script identifier, which should possibly tell a user the purpose of the script.

In that file, you have to declare a class extending waCliController. The main logic to be executed by a job scheduler must be written within the execute() method.

The class name must be built by the following rule:

  • For apps

  • For plugins

// for an app
class myappDoCli extends waCliController
    public function execute()
        // here goes the code that will be executed
        // you can use models and other classes of an app

        waLog::log("Hello world!");

// for a plugin
class someappMyPluginDoCli extends waCliController
    public function execute()
        // here goes the code that will be executed
        // you can use models and other classes of an app or a plugin

        waLog::log("Hello world!");

Script execution command

In the cron scheduler configuration, a user needs to add a command to ensure regular script execution:

  • For apps
    php [path to Webasyst directory]/cli.php [app_id] [action_name]

    php /var/www/wa/cli.php myapp do
  • For plugins
    php [path to Webasyst directory]/cli.php [app_id] [plugin_id]Plugin[Action_name]

    php /var/www/wa/cli.php someapp myPluginDo

During the development, you can verify the functionality of your script by running the above command in the server console.

Adding a script command to job scheduler setup

Example of a job scheduler command in the cron configuration:

*/10 * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/webasyst/cli.php myapp do

Read more about configuring cron jobs in the Cron section.