
Creation of page layouts


Parent class: waController.

Read more about using page layouts.

Layout files & classes

Layouts' PHP files must be located in directory lib/layouts/. Layout class file must be named by rule [app_id][Layout_id].layout.php; e. g., myappBackend.layout.php.

Each layout class must have an HTML template file to form the actual HTML page layout. The template file must be located at templates/layouts/[Layout_id].html; e. g., templates/layouts/Backend.html.


  • executeAction

    Executes specified PHP action and assigns generated HTML code to a template variable.

  • getTheme

    Returns instance of waTheme class containing information about current frontend design theme.

public function executeAction ($name, waViewAction $action, waDecorator $decorator = null)

Executes specified PHP action and assigns generated HTML code to a template variable.


  • $name

    Name of layout HTML template variable to which the result of specified action's display() method must be assigned. By default, variable name 'content' is used.

  • $action

    An instance of waViewAction class.

  • $decorator

    Optional instance of waDecorator class to whose display() method a PHP action class instance must be passed as a parameter instead of calling that action's display() method. By default, no decorator is used.


$this->executeAction(new myappBackendNewPageAction());

public function getTheme ()

Returns instance of waTheme class containing information about current frontend design theme.


$theme = $this->getTheme();