
Processing of HTTP requests without mandatory response


As a rule, controllers based on class waController are not supposed to return anything in response to received HTTP request and rather usually perform some hidden actions; e.g., update database contents, save data to files, send requests to remote resources. However, when necessary, such a controller is capable of sending any response; e.g., using echo or other similar methods.

If you need to return HTML code or a JSON string in response to an HTTP request, then it might be more convenient use a controller based on classes waViewAction, waViewActions, waViewController, waJsonController, waJsonActions.

See explanation of HTTP request routing in backend and in frontend.

Main request processing logic must be described in public method execute().

Controllers & actions

A product may have both a controller and an action class with the same combination of module_id and action_id. In this case a controller has the priority over an action for processing an HTTP request. An action in this case can be called only from within a controller when necessary.

Below is shown an example of such a controller/action couple:


  • appSettings

    Returns app settings values.

  • configPath

    Returns path to app's configuration file.

  • getApp

    Returns controller app ID.

  • getAppId

    Alias for method getApp.

  • getConfig

    Returns current instance of class responsible for managing system configuration.

  • getPluginRoot

    Returns path to plugin source files directory, if the controller is part of an app plugin.

  • getResponse

    Returns current instance of class responsible for preparing response to HTTP requests.

  • getRights

    Returns information on authorized backend user's access rights.

  • getStorage

    Returns current instance of class responsible for managing PHP sessions.

  • getUser

    Returns current instance of class responsible for managing authorized backend users.

  • getUserId

    Returns authorized backend user ID.

  • logAction

    Logs information on a user action to system storage.

  • preExecute

    Performs arbitrary additional actions before main controller logic.

  • redirect

    Redirects a user to specified URL.

  • storage

    Returns, updates, or clears values of PHP session variables.

public function appSettings ($name, $default = '')

Returns app settings values.


  • $name

    Settings field name.

  • $default

    Value to be returned by default if specified settings field has no value.


$app_settings = $this->appSettings();

public function configPath ($name, $custom = false)

Returns path to app's configuration file.


  • $name

    Configuration file name.

  • $custom

    Flag requiring to return path to a custom configuration file from wa-config/apps/[app_id]/ directory. By default, path to app's main configuration directory wa-apps/[app_id]/lib/config/ is used.


$custom_workflow_config = include $this->configPath('workflow.php', true);

public function getApp ()

Returns controller app ID.


$app_id = $this->getApp();

public function getConfig ()

Returns current instance of class (waSystemConfig) responsible for managing system configuration.


$current_domain = $this->getConfig()->getDomain();

public function getPluginRoot ()

Returns path to plugin source files directory, if the controller is part of an app plugin.


$plugin_dir = $this->getPluginRoot();

public function getResponse ()

Returns current instance of class responsible for preparing response to HTTP requests.



public function getRights ($name = null, $assoc = true)

Returns information on authorized backend user's access rights.


  • $name

    String ID of the access rights element available for the specified app. If not specified, all values of access rights for the current contact are returned. If % character is appended to the access rights element id, then the access rights values for that element are returned as an array. The array structure is defined by the value of the $assoc parameter.

  • $assoc

    Flag defining the structure of the returned array:

    • true (default value): multi-fields of access rights configuration elements are included in the returned array with access rights elements' ids as array keys and 1 as their values.
    • false: array keys are incremented starting from 0, array item values containing the ids of access rights configuration elements of access rights multi-fields enabled for a user.


$can_edit = $this->getRights('edit');

public function getStorage ()

Returns current instance of class responsible for managing PHP sessions.


$my_session_var = $this->getStorage()->get('my_session_var');

public function getUser ()

Returns current instance of class responsible for managing authorized backend users.


$user = $this->getUser();

public function getUserId ()

Returns authorized backend user ID.


$user_id = $this->getUserId();

public function logAction ($action, $params = null, $subject_contact_id = null, $contact_id = null)

Logs information on a user action to system storage.


  • $action

    String action ID.

  • $params

    Arbitrary array of parameters asspciated with the action.

  • $subject_contact_id

    ID of contact affected by the action performed by current user.

  • $contact_id

    Current user contact ID.


        'id'   => 12,
        'name' => 'About us'

protected function preExecute ()

Performs arbitrary additional actions before main controller logic. This method must be implemented by the developer, if necessary.

public function redirect ($params = array(), $code = null)

Redirects a user to specified URL.


  • $params

    URL as a string or, if redirect must occur within current domain, as an associative array of GET parameters to generate a URL from.

  • $code

    Server response code for the redirect. By default code 302 is used.


// URL as a string
$this->redirect('https://'.$this->getConfig()->getDomain(), 301);

// URL as an array of GET parameters
    'module' => 'pages',
    'action' => 'edit',
    'id'     => $page_id,

public function storage ($name)

Returns, updates, or clears values of PHP session variables.


  • $name

    String ID of a session variable.

  • $value

    If this parameter is not specified, then method returns variable value. If null is specified, then variable value is cleared. if a different value is specified, it is assigned to the variable instead of an old value.


//getting variable value
//clearing variable value
$this->storage('my_var', null);

//updating variable value
$this->storage('my_var', $new_value);