Build an app. Build a business.

Apps are the core of Webasyst. All apps are independent but unite in one goal — helping companies to solve different business problems. From a simple Hello World to a giant ecosystem such as Shop-Script, all apps are created on the base of a single technology of the Webasyst framework.

Developer signup →

A tutorial on making an app →

App development basics →

Which apps are needed?

  • Sell online
  • Working remotely
  • Inventory control
  • Document flow
  • Logistics and delivery
  • Booking for hotels
  • Booking for salons, cinemas, etc.
  • Booking for restaraunts
  • Online chats
  • Accounting
  • Corporate password manager
  • SMM planner
  • Landing page builder
  • Any courageous innovations!

Suggest, discuss and share new ideas.

19 000+ compaines are using Webasyst today

Check out an independent report on worldwide Webasyst usage.

We help to promote the best apps

Your apps will be published in the Installer and available for purchase and installation to all Webasyst users! We talk about the most interesting releases in social media, newsletters, reviews, recommendations and selections.

We take care of complex billing

Online cash registers, payment system commissions, reporting, auto-renewals, license expiration control - we take care of all the boring but necessary sales routines. Assign a cost, and then everything works automatically. All your sales come to your developer account. Transfer to your current account - every month.

Subscription + lifetime

Webasyst apps are distributed in subscription-based models (automatic accruals every month and every year) and with a permanent license.


Webasyst is an international platform. Develop software products for foreign markets, and we will secure the payment gateway from customers anywhere in the world. We will promote Webasyst and your apps together.

We provide hosting and help delivering updates

We provide hosting in the cloud and all the necessary infrastructure of the Installer to deliver updates. You won't need dev-ops or admins.

Front, back, access rights, REST APIs

Whether it's simple to-do lists or giant Shop-Script. Every Webasyst app has the same technical opportunities and infrastructure. Connect whatever you need!

Third-party developers plugins — easily

Plugins for your app will be developed as easily as for Shop-Script, CRM, Tasks and other Webasyst apps. Provide the right set of hooks and app events — and the documentation will be automatically generated on the website.

Freemium? No problem!

Each application can be sold in one or two editions (basic and premium). To promote your app under the freemium scheme, simply make the basic edition free of charge and offer an upgrade in the app's interface, in a way that’s most effective for your product.

Beautiful landing - quickly soon

Look at examples of Webasyst apps pages: Mailer, Cash Flow, Teamwork. The same can be done for your app. You only need to prepare screenshots, and descriptions and add them to the constructor.

Start today!

You get 80% of your app sales. Payments are made by transfer to your PayPal account every month.

Developer signup →

The commission for promoting your products in the Webasyst Store, acceptance of payments and all financial transactions, use of the entire deployment infrastructure and Installer updates is only 20%.