
Adds a new milestone to the app settings. Full access to Teamwork is required.


  • name POST

    Milestone name.

  • description POST Optional

    Milestone description.

  • project_id POST

    ID of the project to which the milestone must belong.

  • due_date POST Optional

    Deadline in the “yyyy-mm-dd” format.

  • format GET Optional

    Sets response format. Available options: json (default), xml.

Return value

Array with the following keys:

  • id int Milestone ID.
  • name string Milestone name.
  • description string Milestone description.
  • project_id int Project ID.
  • due_date date Deadline.
  • due_info array Deadline date properties as an array with the following keys:
  • due_info['color'] string HTML color value.
  • due_info['days_left'] int Number of remaining days.
  • due_info['text'] string Localized description of the remaining period of time.