Returns task actions log entries.
ID of the project for which log entries must be returned.
ID of the milestone for which log entries must be returned.
ID of a user to obtain only log entries related to their actions.
Offset relative to the filtered list of log entries. Offset 0 means obtaining the list of entries from the very beginning.
Maximum number of entries which must be returned. If not specified then default value 30 is used.
Sets response format. Available options:
Return value
Array with the following keys:
- count int The number of returned log entries.
- data array The log entry list. Each array item is an array with the following keys:
- data[]['action'] string Action performed an a task.
- data[]['after_status_id'] int ID of the status in which the task had been before the action was executed.
- data[]['assigned_contact'] array Information about the user, to which the task was assigned, with the following keys:
- data[]['assigned_contact']['id'] int User ID.
- data[]['assigned_contact']['name'] string User name.
- data[]['assigned_contact']['is_me'] bool Flag denoting whether the action was executed by the current user.
- data[]['assigned_contact']['photo_url'] string URL of a 96x96 pixels large user image.
- data[]['assignment_changed'] bool Flag denoting whether the task was assigned to another user when the action was executed.
- data[]['attachments'] array The list of files during the action execution. Each array item is an array with the following keys:
- data[]['attachments'][]['id'] int File ID.
- data[]['attachments'][]['code'] string Random file code.
- data[]['attachments'][]['contact'] array The properties of the user, who executed the action, as an array with the following keys:
- data[]['attachments'][]['contact']['id'] int User ID.
- data[]['attachments'][]['contact']['is_me'] bool Flag denoting whether the action was executed by the current user.
- data[]['attachments'][]['contact']['name'] string User name.
- data[]['attachments'][]['contact']['photo_url'] string URL of a 96x96 pixels large user image.
- data[]['attachments'][]['create_datetime'] string Date and time of the action execution in the ISO 8601 format.
- data[]['attachments'][]['download_url'] string File URL.
- data[]['attachments'][]['ext'] string File name extension.
- data[]['attachments'][]['is_image'] bool Flag denoting whether the file contains an image.
- data[]['attachments'][]['log_id'] int ID of the entry about the added comment in the user actions log.
- data[]['attachments'][]['name'] string File name.
- data[]['attachments'][]['preview_url'] string URL of the file’s preview image.
- data[]['attachments'][]['size'] int File size in bytes.
- data[]['before_status_id'] int ID of the status in which the task had been before the action execution.
- data[]['contact'] array The properties of the user, who executed the action, with the following keys:
- data[]['contact']['id'] int User ID.
- data[]['contact']['name'] string User name.
- data[]['contact']['photo_url'] string URL of a 96x96 pixels large user image.
- data[]['create_datetime'] string Date and time of the action execution in the ISO 8601 format.
- data[]['project_id'] int ID of the project to which the task belongs.
- data[]['status_changed'] bool Flag denoting whether the task status was changed during the action execution.
- data[]['task_id'] int Task ID.
- data[]['task_name'] string Task name.
- data[]['task_number'] string Task’s number within its project.
- data[]['text'] string Text entered by a user during the action execution.
- data[]['text_stripped'] string Entered text without HTML tags, truncated to maximum 256 characters.
- total_count int Total number of log entries corresponding to the specified filtering parameters.