
Returns task actions log entries.


  • project_id GET Optional

    ID of the project for which log entries must be returned.

  • milestone_id GET Optional

    ID of the milestone for which log entries must be returned.

  • contact_id GET Optional

    ID of a user to obtain only log entries related to their actions.

  • offset GET

    Offset relative to the filtered list of log entries. Offset 0 means obtaining the list of entries from the very beginning.

  • limit GET Optional

    Maximum number of entries which must be returned. If not specified then default value 30 is used.

  • format GET Optional

    Sets response format. Available options: json (default), xml.

Return value

Array with the following keys:

  • count int The number of returned log entries.
  • data array The log entry list. Each array item is an array with the following keys:
  • data[]['action'] string Action performed an a task.
  • data[]['after_status_id'] int ID of the status in which the task had been before the action was executed.
  • data[]['assigned_contact'] array Information about the user, to which the task was assigned, with the following keys:
  • data[]['assigned_contact']['id'] int User ID.
  • data[]['assigned_contact']['name'] string User name.
  • data[]['assigned_contact']['is_me'] bool Flag denoting whether the action was executed by the current user.
  • data[]['assigned_contact']['photo_url'] string URL of a 96x96 pixels large user image.
  • data[]['assignment_changed'] bool Flag denoting whether the task was assigned to another user when the action was executed.
  • data[]['attachments'] array The list of files during the action execution. Each array item is an array with the following keys:
  • data[]['attachments'][]['id'] int File ID.
  • data[]['attachments'][]['code'] string Random file code.
  • data[]['attachments'][]['contact'] array The properties of the user, who executed the action, as an array with the following keys:
  • data[]['attachments'][]['contact']['id'] int User ID.
  • data[]['attachments'][]['contact']['is_me'] bool Flag denoting whether the action was executed by the current user.
  • data[]['attachments'][]['contact']['name'] string User name.
  • data[]['attachments'][]['contact']['photo_url'] string URL of a 96x96 pixels large user image.
  • data[]['attachments'][]['create_datetime'] string Date and time of the action execution in the ISO 8601 format.
  • data[]['attachments'][]['download_url'] string File URL.
  • data[]['attachments'][]['ext'] string File name extension.
  • data[]['attachments'][]['is_image'] bool Flag denoting whether the file contains an image.
  • data[]['attachments'][]['log_id'] int ID of the entry about the added comment in the user actions log.
  • data[]['attachments'][]['name'] string File name.
  • data[]['attachments'][]['preview_url'] string URL of the file’s preview image.
  • data[]['attachments'][]['size'] int File size in bytes.
  • data[]['before_status_id'] int ID of the status in which the task had been before the action execution.
  • data[]['contact'] array The properties of the user, who executed the action, with the following keys:
  • data[]['contact']['id'] int User ID.
  • data[]['contact']['name'] string User name.
  • data[]['contact']['photo_url'] string URL of a 96x96 pixels large user image.
  • data[]['create_datetime'] string Date and time of the action execution in the ISO 8601 format.
  • data[]['project_id'] int ID of the project to which the task belongs.
  • data[]['status_changed'] bool Flag denoting whether the task status was changed during the action execution.
  • data[]['task_id'] int Task ID.
  • data[]['task_name'] string Task name.
  • data[]['task_number'] string Task’s number within its project.
  • data[]['text'] string Text entered by a user during the action execution.
  • data[]['text_stripped'] string Entered text without HTML tags, truncated to maximum 256 characters.
  • total_count int Total number of log entries corresponding to the specified filtering parameters.

