
Adds a new product variant.


  • product_id GET

    Product ID.

  • sku POST Optional

    SKU code.

  • sort POST Optional

    Sort order value.

  • name POST Optional

    SKU name.

  • image_id POST Optional

    Selected image ID.

  • price POST Optional


  • purchase_price POST Optional

    Purchase price.

  • compare_price POST Optional

    Strike-through price.

  • available POST Optional

    Flag (0 or 1) denoting the product variant’s availability for ordering.

  • status POST Optional

    Flag (0 or 1) denoting visibility in the storefront. Default value is 1.

  • stock POST Optional

    Variant’s stock quantities. If no stocks are set up in the store settings then the array must contain 1 item with the Variant’s stock quantity in the decimal(15,3) format. If stocks are set up then array keys must be stock IDs and array values must be quantities available on those stocks in the decimal(15,3) format.

  • count POST Optional

    Variant’s quantity available in stock. Is used in the case when stocks are not set up in the store settings and the 'stock' parameter is empty.

  • stock_base_ratio POST Optional

    Stock-to-base quantity unit ratio. If not specified then product settings value is applied by default.

  • order_count_min POST Optional

    Quantity adjustment value with “+/-” buttons. If not specified then product settings value is applied by default.

  • order_count_step POST Optional

    Minimum orderable quantity. If not specified then product settings value is applied by default.

  • format GET Optional

    Sets response format. Available options: json (default), xml.

Error codes

  • invalid_request

    Invalid formed request. Additional information about the error is available in error_description parameter.

  • access_denied

    Access to the specified API method for the current token is denied.

  • invalid_method

    Unknown API method.