Performs order search. The 'orders' access right is required, or a user must be authorized as a courier.
Product search condition hash string encoded for safe use in URLs. An empty hash corresponds to the 'all' hash meaning a complete list of orders, without filtering.
Hash examples & tips:
— 'id/12,23,34': IDs of orders which must be returned.
— 'search/id=123': search by one order ID.
— 'search/id=#100123': search by one formatted order ID.
— 'search/state_id=new': search by value 'new' of the 'state_id' field. To search by several values of one field with the “OR” condition, separate the values with the '||' operator; e.g., 'search/state_id=new||processing||paid'. As a condition operator instead of '=' in this example you can also use the following: '=' (matching value), '*=' (partial matching of a string value), '^=' (matching beginning of a string value), '=$' (matching ending of a string value), '!=' (no matching), math operators '<', '=', '>', '<=', '>='. You can combine search by several fields using the '&' character; e.g., 'search/state_id=new||processing&total>=100'.
— 'search/params.shipping_id=64': search of orders by the 'shipping_id' parameter with the value '64'.
— 'search/items.service_id=2': search of orders by the 'service_id' property of ordered items, with the value '2'.
— 'search/items.product_id=10': search of orders containing product with id = 10.
— 'search/promo_id=10': search of orders associated with promo campaign having id = 10. -
Offset relative to the beginning of the list of found orders. Non-negative integer, max. 1000. Default value: 0.
Limit on the number of found orders. Non-negative integer. Default value: 100.
The list of order properties which must be returned. May contain either only the names of all order fields specified with the '*' character or also extra fields listed below, which can be added with a comma; e.g., '*,contact_full,shipping_info'.
Available extra fields:
- products: items with the 'product' key are added to 'items' sub-arrays for each of the orders in the returned result, containing detailed product-related information.
- skus: items with the 'sku' key are added to 'items' sub-arrays for each of the orders in the returned result, containing detailed information about the product variants.
- contact: items with the 'contact' key are added to the returned result, containing an array of brief customer-related information with the keys 'id', 'is_company', 'is_user', 'name', 'photo'.
- contact_full: items with the 'contact' key are added to the returned result, containing an array of detailed customer-related information including all customer’s email addresses, phone numbers and relative links to the thumbnails of the photo uploaded to the customer profile.
- state: items with the 'state' key are added to the returned result, containing an array of information about the configuration of the current order status retrieved from the store settings.
- subtotal: items with the 'subtotal' key are added to the returned result, containing a number denoting the total cost of all products within each order, without the shipping cost taken into account, expressed in the main store currency, without the currency name.
- courier: items with the 'courier' key are added to the returned result, containing an array of information about the courier selected for the order shipping.
- shipping_info: items with the 'shipping_info' key are added to the returned result, containing an array of information about the selected shipping option, including its name, cost and shipping address.
- billing_info: items with the 'billing_info' key are added to the returned result, containing an array of information about customer’s billing address.
- sales_channel: item with the 'sales_channels' key is added to the returned result containing a string denoting the sales channel via which an order has been obtained.
- order_icon: item with the 'order_icon' key is added to the returned result containing a string with the URL of an icon which is recommended to be displayed for an order.
- payment_url: payment link URL.
- stock_units: item with the 'stock_units' key is added to the returned result containing the information about the quantity units of the ordered products. -
Description of the sort order of the returned orders by one of the fields: 'updated', 'amount', 'state_id'. The sort order description format must be the same as in SQL; e.g., "updated DESC". If no sort order is specified then the returned list of orders is sorted by 'create_datetime' field in the descending order.
Flag (0 or 1) denoting whether ordered items’ and customers’ names must be escaped for safe use in HTML code. Default value is 1.
Sets response format. Available options:
Return value
Array with the list of found orders. Sub-arrays of individual orders contain values with the following keys:
- offset int Offset of the returned order list against the beginning of the entire order list found in the database.
- limit int Maximum number of orders that was allowed to be returned by this method call.
- count int Number of found orders.
- orders array Array of returned found orders. Each order’s sub-array contains values with the following keys:
- orders[]['id'] int Order ID.
- orders[]['id_encoded'] string Formatted order ID.
- orders[]['contact_id'] int Customer contact ID.
- orders[]['create_datetime'] datetime Order creation date and time.
- orders[]['update_datetime'] datetime Latest order update date and time.
- orders[]['state_id'] string Order status identifier.
- orders[]['total'] float Order total cost, expressed in the order currency, in the
format. - orders[]['currency'] string Identifier of the order currency in the ISO 4217 format.
- orders[]['rate'] float Exchange rate of the order currency against the store main currency.
- orders[]['tax'] float Amount of applied tax, expressed in the order currency, in the
format. - orders[]['shipping'] float Shipping cost, expressed in the order currency, in the
format. - orders[]['discount'] float Discount amount, expressed in the order currency, in the
format. - orders[]['paid_year'] int Year number from the order payment date.
- orders[]['paid_quarter'] int Year quarter number from the order payment date.
- orders[]['paid_month'] int Year month number from the order payment date.
- orders[]['paid_date'] date Order payment date in the
format. - orders[]['auth_date'] date Payment authorization date in the
. - orders[]['is_first'] int Flag (0 or 1) denoting customer’s first paid order.
- orders[]['unsettled'] int Flag (0 or 1) denoting whether the order is unsettled
- orders[]['comment'] string Comment to order left by the customer.
- orders[]['shipping_datetime'] datetime Date and time corresponding to the end of the period selected in the Courier shipping field when the “Edit shipping details” action is executed.
- orders[]['params'] array Order parameters array.
- orders[]['params']['shipping_id'] int Selected shipping option’s ID.
- orders[]['params']['payment_id'] int Selected payment option’s ID.
- orders[]['params']['referer_host'] string Domain of the referrer website from which the customer entered the storefront to place the order.
- orders[]['params']['departure_datetime'] datetime Date and time since which the order is considered ready for shipping.
- orders[]['params']['coupon_id'] int ID of applied discount coupon.
- orders[]['params']['sales_channel'] string Sales channel: 'backend:' (if the order was created in the store backend), 'storefront:...' (if the order was placed by a customer in the storefront), 'buy_button:' (if the order was placed via a “Buy button” widget).
- orders[]['params']['shipping_address...'] string Shipping address fields.
- orders[]['params']['shipping_name'] string Shipping option name.
- orders[]['params']['payment_plugin'] string Payment plugin identifier.
- orders[]['params']['payment_name'] string Payment option name.
- orders[]['params']['shipping_currency'] string Currency identifier, in which the shipping cost is expressed, in the ISO 4217 format.
- orders[]['params']['reduced'] int Flag (0 or 1) denoting that the stock quantities of ordered product variants were reduced during the order processing history.
- orders[]['params']['reduce_times'] int The number of times stock quantities of ordered product variants were reduced during the order processing history.
- orders[]['items'] array List of ordered product variants and services:
- orders[]['items'][]['id'] int Order item ID.
- orders[]['items'][]['order_id'] string Order ID.
- orders[]['items'][]['name'] string Order item name.
- orders[]['items'][]['product_id'] int ID of the product associated with the order item.
- orders[]['items'][]['sku_code'] string Ordered product variant’s code.
- orders[]['items'][]['sku_id'] int Ordered product variant’s ID.
- orders[]['items'][]['type'] string Order item type — 'product' or 'service'.
- orders[]['items'][]['service_id'] int Service ID if the order item is a service.
- orders[]['items'][]['service_variant_id'] int Service variant ID if the order item is a service.
- orders[]['items'][]['price'] float Order item price, expressed in the order currency, in the decimal(15,4) format.
- orders[]['items'][]['quantity'] float Order item’s quantity in the decimal(15,3) format.
- orders[]['items'][]['quantity_denominator'] int Available precision for stock quantities. Acceptable values: 1 (whole pieces), 10 (precision to tenths), 100 (precision to hundredths), 1000 (precision to thousandths).
- orders[]['items'][]['stock_id'] int ID of the stock selected for ordered variant’s stock counts update in the order properties.
- orders[]['items'][]['virtual_stock_id'] int ID of the virtual stock from which the ordered variant’s stock counts must be withdrawn.
- orders[]['items'][]['purchase_price'] float Purchase price of the order item’s associated variant, expressed in the order currency, in the decimal(15,4) format.
- orders[]['items'][]['total_discount'] float Discount amount applied to the entire quantity of the ordered product variant, expressed in the order currency, in the decimal(15,4) format.
- orders[]['items'][]['tax_percent'] float Percentage of the applied tax, if any, in the decimal(15,4) format.
- orders[]['items'][]['tax_included'] int Flag (0 or 1) denoting whether applied tax is included in the ordered product’s price.
- orders[]['items'][]['stock_unit_id'] int ID of the stock quantity unit from the ordered product variant’s properties.